Give Ukrainian children a happy childhood!

Every dollar, euro, or pound is a step towards helping a child who has lost one or both parents in the war to heal and recover.

Give Ukrainian children a happy childhood!

Every dollar, euro, or pound is a step towards helping a child who has lost one or both parents in the war to heal and recover.

Tha war has tragically cut the carefree childhood of Ukrainian children short. Some have lost their homes, others their schools, friends and, worst of all, the people closest to their hearts: their mothers, fathers or both parents. This pain is immeasurable and cannot be healed in one day.

The war has tragically cut the carefree childhood of Ukrainian children short. Some have lost their homes, others their schools, friends and, worst of all, the people closest to their hearts: their mothers, fathers or both parents. This pain is immeasurable and cannot be healed in one day.

Camp is a place where children:

Attending a camp — one of the most effective methods of mental health recovery


number of children and their guardians who had the opportunity to recover in camps, through the Children of Heroes Foundation (as of 1 March 2024)


- the average cost of participation for one person

3 600

- number of children and caregivers we plan to send to camps in 2024

$1.6 Million

- our fundraising goal to help us bring these children to camps

The positive impact of camps

in the lives of children under the care of the foundation:

Your generous support can provide many Ukrainian children the opportunity to attend the camp this year!

Donate now and give the Children of Heroes priceless moments of joy and security!

Your generous support can provide many Ukrainian children the opportunity to attend the camp this year!

Donate now and give the Children of Heroes priceless moments of joy and security!

The Children of Heroes Charitable Foundation provides long-term and comprehensive support to children who have lost their parents to war. As of May 2024, 9137 children are under the Foundation's care. Unfortunately, the war continues and this number is growing daily. Join us in our mission to give Ukrainian children a better life.

Danylo Krapovoi

Adrenalin Expedition Camp

On the 20th of April 2022, Danylo Krapovyi's father, a soldier in the Armed Forces who had been defending Ukraine from russian invaders for 6 years, was killed in the Battle of Mariupol.

With the help of the Children of Heroes Foundation, Danylo had the opportunity to relax and recharge at the Adrenalin Expedition camp in the Dniester Gorge, where he got a boost of energy and made new friends. Being responsible and knowledgeable with organisational skills, he was also appointed as a camp counsellor. He led classes, actively participated in camp life, gained new experience, strengthened his character, and is now more ready for new achievements.

Danylo’s resilience will lead him to a brighter future ahead!

Nazar Voynalovych

British Camp

Maryna and her 10-year-old son Nazar live in Kryvyi Rih. Maryna works as an accountant, while Nazar goes to school and is actively involved in activities ranging from singing to hand-to-hand combat.

Nazar's father joined the Ukrainian army. For more than a year he took part in fighting in the Donetsk sector. Unfortunately, his life was cut short by enemy shelling. The young boy had a hard time coming to terms with the death of his loved one.

Through the Children of Heroes Foundation, Nazar was able to attend the British Camp, a summer language camp. There he started to become interested in learning English, even though he only previously studied German at school. After the camp, he continued to learn English online with the support of the Foundation.

Vika Otserklevych

Synihora camp

The Otserklevych family from Kryvyi Rih was very close-knit. Vika and Iryna's father had been fighting since the ATO, but he always found a way to be with his daughters, to give them a sense of support and love. But the war cost him his life. He died serving his country, and was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine. His death was a great loss to his wife and two daughters.

Vika is now 13 years old. Thanks to the Children of Heroes Foundation, she was able to visit the Synihora camp in the Carpathians. When she arrived, she reminisced for a long time about her new friends and the good times she had at the camp. She dreams of visiting Synihora again, a place that made her experience the positive moments of her childhood, and gave her the opportunity to escape the pain of losing the person close to her heart.

The Naidukh family

Volovets camp in the Carpathians

Halyna and her husband Yurii had long dreamed of owning their own home. Their dream came true when they were finally able to buy an apartment. But the war brutally cut short the family's happy life. From the first days of the full-scale invasion, Yurii volunteered to go and fight on the frontline. For the sake of peace in the country, the man was willing to risk the most precious thing - his life.

From the first days of their stay at the camp, positive changes began to take place. The majesty of the Carpathians, the sincere support and care of the organisers, psychologists and other camp participants helped them to get out of the emotional abyss. Halyna said that for the first time since her husband's death she had heard her daughters laugh again. The girls, who had categorically refused to see a psychologist, expressed a desire to start working with a specialist after the camp.

Родина Найдухів

табір «Воловець» у Карпатах

З перших днів повномасштабного вторгнення Юрій пішов добровольцем на фронт. На жаль, чоловік загинув під Бахмутом. Ця трагедія стала справжнім ударом для його дружини Галини та двох донечок — 13-річної Таїсії та 11-річної Іринки. Емоційний стан донечок був вкрай нестабільним: вони закрились в собі.

Від фонду «Діти Героїв» сімʼя Найдухів отримала можливість поїхати до табору «Воловець» у Карпатах. Це табір психоемоційної стабілізації для сімей, що постраждали від війни. З перших днів у таборі розпочались позитивні зміни. Вони ходили в гори, малювали, співали, купалися в чанах. Галина каже, що вона вперше після трагедії добре спала. А дівчата, які категорично відмовлялись йти до психолога, після табору самі висловили бажання розпочати роботу з фахівцем!