Warmth for children who lost their parents in the war

Warm the hearts and homes of the Children of Heroes!

This year, we need to raise $240 000 to provide warmth to all the children and families in need:

4226 children

children need winter clothing and shoes

253 families

need firewood to heat their homes

As winter approaches, thousands of Ukrainian children who have lost their parents to the war face harsh conditions without sufficient warm clothing. The ongoing war has severely damaged Ukraine's infrastructure, leading to widespread destruction and constant power outages. These children often find themselves in cold, poorly heated homes or temporary shelters. The "Warmth for Children" project by the "Children of Heroes" foundation was created to give these children a sense of safety and comfort during the cold season.

How can you help?

Warm clothing

$80 — a full set that includes a jacket, hat, gloves, and scarf. This kit will keep a child warm during outdoor activities in winter.

Winter shoes

$80 — a pair of warm boots to protect a child’s feet from cold and wet conditions.

Firewood for a family

$270 — this amount will provide one family with enough firewood to heat their home for the entire winter season.

What we’ve achieved together so far

Thanks to your support during last year's "Warmth for Children" campaign, we accomplished the following in 2023:

Over 2,300 children

received warm clothing

Over 1,100 children

received winter shoes

59 families

were provided with firewood for the winter season

Stories of children and families who have already received help:

Milaniya :
received warm winter essentials

9-year-old Milaniya’s father, a Ukrainian soldier, was killed in action. She and her mother had to flee their home due to the war, but she still dreams of returning to her native Kharkiv. Thanks to the "Warmth for Children" project, Milaniya received warm winter clothes, shoes, a hat, scarf, and heaters, helping her stay comfortable during the cold months.

The Malyhin family:
received firewood

The Malyhin family lives in a rural area where their home is heated with firewood. Before, the father of the family would cut and collect the firewood himself, but he was killed while serving in eastern Ukraine. Marta and her three sons found themselves in a difficult situation. Thanks to the "Warmth for Children" project, they received firewood, bringing warmth and comfort to their home.

Artem and Anastasia:
received winter clothing and shoes

Artem and Anastasia’s father was killed while trying to evacuate his sister from an occupied region of Ukraine. Left without state support, the children needed urgent help. Through the "Warmth for Children" project, they received winter clothing and shoes, along with much-needed care in these difficult times.

This winter, more help is needed!

The number of children in need has increased. To support them, we need to raise over $240 000.

Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to this goal. Together, we can provide warmth and comfort to the Children of Heroes during the cold winter months.

This winter, more help is needed!

The number of children in need has increased. To support them, we need to raise over $…

Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to this goal. Together, we can provide warmth and comfort to the Children of Heroes during the cold winter months.

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Родина Найдухів

табір «Воловець» у Карпатах

З перших днів повномасштабного вторгнення Юрій пішов добровольцем на фронт. На жаль, чоловік загинув під Бахмутом. Ця трагедія стала справжнім ударом для його дружини Галини та двох донечок — 13-річної Таїсії та 11-річної Іринки. Емоційний стан донечок був вкрай нестабільним: вони закрились в собі.

Від фонду «Діти Героїв» сімʼя Найдухів отримала можливість поїхати до табору «Воловець» у Карпатах. Це табір психоемоційної стабілізації для сімей, що постраждали від війни. З перших днів у таборі розпочались позитивні зміни. Вони ходили в гори, малювали, співали, купалися в чанах. Галина каже, що вона вперше після трагедії добре спала. А дівчата, які категорично відмовлялись йти до психолога, після табору самі висловили бажання розпочати роботу з фахівцем!