Аліса (2)

Family's Current Needs

  • A laptop, power bank and lamp
  • Classes with a psychologist and speech therapist
  • A portable gas stove


Alisa lost both parents during their evacuation from the Chernihiv region in northern Ukraine. The family’s car was shot at by the Russian military, causing it to catch fire and explode. Her parents died immediately while Alisa was projected out of the vehicle. Due to the attack, she received injuries to her corneas and conjunctiva membranes in her eyes; a concussion and burns across her body. She was also was left with severe psychological trauma, continuing to be afraid of loud noises and missing her parents dearly to this day.

Alisa now lives with her aunt and one-year-old cousin, who plans to set aside the money raised for her for her education and future.

The fund helped:

  • Alisa's family received priority financial support, psychological and legal assistance, a heater for their home and financial support to purchase warm clothes and shoes
  • The Fund provided Alisa with everyday essentials for school as well as a New Year's gift
  • The family also received $1,000 from our partners at the 1K project
  • Alisa is learning English on the Preply, MA Panda and Kinzumiya (art therapy) platforms

Family's Current Needs

  • A laptop, power bank and lamp
  • Classes with a psychologist and speech therapist
  • A portable gas stove

The fund helped:

  • Alisa's family received priority financial support, psychological and legal assistance, a heater for their home and financial support to purchase warm clothes and shoes
  • The Fund provided Alisa with everyday essentials for school as well as a New Year's gift
  • The family also received $1,000 from our partners at the 1K project
  • Alisa is learning English on the Preply, MA Panda and Kinzumiya (art therapy) platforms

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Родина Найдухів

табір «Воловець» у Карпатах

З перших днів повномасштабного вторгнення Юрій пішов добровольцем на фронт. На жаль, чоловік загинув під Бахмутом. Ця трагедія стала справжнім ударом для його дружини Галини та двох донечок — 13-річної Таїсії та 11-річної Іринки. Емоційний стан донечок був вкрай нестабільним: вони закрились в собі.

Від фонду «Діти Героїв» сімʼя Найдухів отримала можливість поїхати до табору «Воловець» у Карпатах. Це табір психоемоційної стабілізації для сімей, що постраждали від війни. З перших днів у таборі розпочались позитивні зміни. Вони ходили в гори, малювали, співали, купалися в чанах. Галина каже, що вона вперше після трагедії добре спала. А дівчата, які категорично відмовлялись йти до психолога, після табору самі висловили бажання розпочати роботу з фахівцем!