Olga Reznіkova
Olha Reznikova
Family Helper
Children under care

Olha Reznikova

Family Helper

About myself

My name is Olha Reznikova, a specialist at the Children of Heroes Charity Fund that works with families affected by the full-scale war. I am also a teacher and curator of children’s projects.

Outside of my work at the foundation, I lead a youth group. I do yoga and hold resource sessions for women. I am also a mother, so I understand the aspects of parent-child relationships.

Why am I in the fund?

Horrifying events, news, and fatigue are draining on people. In such cases, I go to messengers with caregivers and children for inspiration and re-read messages with warm words of gratitude for the help they received. I enjoy looking at photos with the happy faces of children.

How many families do you take care of?

I currently have 60 children under my care. The fact that we can call each other unannounced via a video chat and have a conversation is a testament to my trusting relationship with the families.

My strengths:

  • I can support families and support caregivers going through difficult life challenges caused by the military operations in our country